Fall jardin

18 octobre 2017 mercredi

75 degrees, sunny

2 mph, w wind


Latter end cut down your Asparagus, and cover your beds with dung, plant Beans for spring, sow Cabbages… prick Lettuce into boxes, sow Peas for the hot bed, Radishes, turf this month.

-A treatise on gardening, by a citizen of Virginia, John Randolph, jr. (1727-1784)

The jardin potager at Fort de Chartres fared fairly well over the summer season but as autumn approached and is now fully entrenched, the difficult weather conditions have taken a toll on the fall kitchen garden. The pea and bean crops have shriveled in the dry heat and  lack of precipitation  and overall  extreme conditions have affected the germination of the fall sowing of crops. The most important garden work is the continuation of watering and seed gathering. Current cooler temperatures and recent rain have been most welcomed and we hope for better conditions in the near future.

Approaching the garden.

The recent discouragements do not prevent a fall Fort garden event in the Fort’s Trading Post, an Heirloom Jardin Potager to be held Saturday, October 21st, from 1-4 p.m. Stop by and visit for a discussion about fall garden activities such as seed saving, which seeds to plant in fall, and preparing raised beds for winter. Sample heirloom seed packets and informational flyers will be available to visitors in the Fort’s Trading Post on Saturday, as always.  Join me, as we continue that time honored journey, down the ever challenging but rewarding garden path!

Visit the jardin facebook page at www.facebook.com/fdcjardin, or check in this the garden blog for any updated information. Printable Jardin Potager Heirloom Saturday flyer: Fort de Chartres 10 21 17