The first Heirloom Produce Saturday will highlight our fruit of the month, gooseberries.

Barbara Regina Dietzsch - ‘A Gooseberry Branch with Dragonfly, Butterfly and Caterpillar’ 18th Century

I appear to be drawn to fruit that are slightly difficult and have a hint of danger about them. Listed on the Recettes 2013 page of this blog, are two 18th century gooseberry recettes being featured this weekend. I can foresee a new blog entry post on the horizon as my fascination with this slightly unconventional fruit continues-with more recipes to follow. Also would like to bring attention to a favorite staple of the habitants, buttered bread and onions, made with Red Wethersfield onions from our jardin. Swedish naturalist Pehr Kalm remarked, in Volume III of his Travels into North America (1749), on the French habitants fondness for onions, especially red onions.

But please do not be misled, we have other heirloom produce currently at peak and being harvested in the garden; cabbage, carrot, yellow summer squash. Recipes from previous summer Heirloom Produce Saturdays containing recettes for summer squash, carrots, cabbage, apples, and onions, are located on the blog Recettes page.   The herbs and flowers are blooming and with fair weather on the horizon-a perfect weekend to explore the Illinois Country.  A few French Mallow and Pot Marigold seedlings are looking for new homes and heirloom seed packets are offered. Please stop by and visit Saturday, July 13, 2013, 10 AM-Noon. Fort de Chartres Jardin Potager.

Special Note: The next Heirloom Produce Saturday event on July 27 will include a discussion about seed saving and fall planting in the Jardin Potager. Details to follow soon.