You are invited to the Fort de Chartres Jardin Potager and sample the heirloom produce on this season’s final Heirloom Produce Saturday, October 13, 10 AM-Noon. Some produce and recipes available.

Kaskaskia Road

Welcome to our Jardin Potager outside the walls of Fort de Chartres! This garden has been planted in the style of a French l’habitant kitchen garden generally tended by the women of the Illinois Country. Join us in exploring the heirloom vegetables and fruits in our fall garden. Produce currently in season: Beans, Cabbage, Long Red Cayenne Peppers, Pumpkins, Citron Watermelons, and Various Herbs. Jardin Flower & Herb Seed Packets will be available. If this event is rained out, please visit the garden and the bake oven during the fort’s Winter Rendezvous, Nov. 3, for a garden tour and/or bake oven demonstration.

Visit the Recettes page of this blog for 18th century recipes featuring our fall produce.

Antoinette Hancock and Renea Davis

Note: Thank you to all the many visitors, volunteers, and site staff for their efforts at the Pierre Menard Home Birthday Celebration this past Sunday. For more photos and info about this event, check the Jardin’s facebook page. Please like our page and keep abreast of the Jardin and L’Habitant activity this fall. Visit The Southern Illinoisan to view a newspaper article about this event.